How to create a Skype conference – detailed instructions

18 October 2023

Skype is a popular platform for group calls among users. It makes it possible to conduct multidisciplinary online conferences for free, as well as use voice and text chats. Since this communication format is quite popular now, let’s consider how to create a Skype conference.

The process of creating an online meeting on a PC in Skype 8 and above

Starting the chat

Starting the chat

First you need to add users, and then you need to call. To do this:

  1. Click on “+Chat” in the left corner of the window and select “New Group” from the list.
  2. In the window that appears, type any name, tap on the arrow pointing to the right side.
  3. From the resulting list of contacts, select everyone who should be in the group. You can also use the search form. If the person is not in your contact list, then you will not be able to add him.
  4. As soon as the icons of the selected people appear above the list of contacts, you can click “Done” – it was possible to create a Skype conference on the computer, we proceed to the call.
  5. Open the “Chats” tab, select the necessary one.
  6. Tap on the camera icon / phone handset, depending on what happens:video or voice calling. The signal will be sent to each of your interlocutors, thereby notifying about the start.
  7. After confirming your participation, communication will begin.

Adding a participant

Adding a participant

To add a person, it is not necessary to create another online meeting. To do this, you need to:

  1. Find your chat among others and tap in the upper corner “Add to group”. The icon resembles a little man.
  2. You will see a list of contacts, as well as a list of those who are not in the conference. Click on the icons of the users you plan to add, and then on “Done”. 

How to create a group call in Skype 7 and below


Choosing people to call

If you are for convenience, it is better to select participants in advance, and then connect. The process is as follows:

  1. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the name of the future participants. Maximum of 5 people. It is important that they are online at this moment.
  2. Tap on the name of any chat member, select “Start an online conference” in the menu that opens.
  3. Each selected person will receive an invitation to join the call. It is important that he accepts it.

There is another way:

  1. Open the “Contacts” section, select “Create a group”. Or in the main Skype window, hold down Ctrl+N.
  2. In the window that opens, in the right corner of the screen, click on the avatars of those you will add.
  3. Click on the camera/phone icon in the upper corner. After that, the connection process will begin, as in the previous method.

Switching between types of conversations

Switching between types

A teleconference is not significantly different from a video call. The only difference is in the camera – it is either turned on or not. If you have started a teleconference, you can always switch to video. To do this, click on the camera icon and all members of the group will receive the same offer. You can turn off the camera in the same way.

Adding new people during the session

Adding new people

Even if you already have a call with certain people, you can always add new ones. The basic rule is that the total number of participants should not exceed 5. To connect, click on “+” and select from the suggested list of the necessary ones.

How to create a Skype meeting on your phone

Conference call

Creating a conference

In comparison with the desktop version of the program, the process of creating conversations on the phone is slightly different:

  1. Open the “Chats” tab, tap on the pencil icon.
  2. In the “New Chat” category, click “New Group”.
  3. Name the future conversation and tap on the arrow.
  4. Select users from your Skype list by ticking their names.
  5. Click Done.

Launching the conference

Launching the conference

The actions are similar to voice and video calls. The difference is that you need to wait for a response from the invited persons.

The process is simple:

  1. Open the chats.
  2. Find the created conversation.
  3. Click on the desired call.

You can wait for responses from all invited, or you can start after joining at least one user. Further interaction in the program is the same as in a one-on-one chat. To end the conversation, click on collect call.

Adding people

There are 2 options for adding:

  1. When people didn’t communicate much in the chat: exit the conversation through the arrow, click “Invite someone else” in the chat, tick the desired person from contacts, click “Done”.
  2. When there is no “Invite someone else” button at the beginning of the conversation: click on the chat name, scroll down, select “Add people” in the “Participant Number” block and mark the right ones in the address book.

If you want to send a link to those with whom you do not keep in touch with this program, you need to:

  1. Open the conversation menu, click on the name.
  2. Tap on the item “Link to join”.
  3. Activate the “Invitations” item.
  4. Hold your finger on “Copy”.
  5. Send via any messenger.

Deleting participants

You already know how to create a Skype conference and add people to it. But there are times when you want to delete some. The process is simple:

  1. Open the main conversation menu.
  2. In the section with participants, find the person you want to delete and hold your finger on his name until the menu appears.
  3. Tap on the corresponding item, and then confirm the actions by clicking “Delete”. After that, you will receive a notification that the user has been deleted.

Automatic summary of meetings in Zoom / Google Meets / Microsoft Teams
