According to statistics, 68% of transactions in Russian business did not take place due to entrepreneurs’ ignorance of the rules of business etiquette. The ability to communicate with other people is a valuable quality that every employee of the company should possess. The behavior of participants that contradicts the current regulations often leads to serious financial problems. A pre-prepared protocol of telephone conversations will help to avoid misunderstandings between them.
Communication between people in order to reach agreements takes place at different levels: from everyday to official. With this in mind, the interaction process takes place in accordance with the rules of etiquette. This concept depends on the purpose of communication. The rules of business etiquette are considered more stringent than those governing the interaction of individuals at the household level.
The basis of the rules of business protocol
To begin with, let’s figure out what is meant when they talk about business etiquette. It is understood as the rules of interaction between specific individuals and groups of people. The rules have been formed for many decades, taking into account accepted concepts of morality. It is based on the peculiarities of the mentality of a certain nation.
In practice, the protocol of business negotiations must be strictly followed, taking into account all requirements. It defines a set of rules for all participants in business processes. At the same time, the status of each person and his place in the company are taken into account. It is believed that compliance with the regulations will guarantee the personal success of employees in achieving their goals and the organization as a whole. Non-compliance with the norms leads to undermining the trust of partners, which is very difficult to restore.
Each company has the right to set its own rules, but they must be based on the norms in force at the international level. This is a set of different regulations, familiarization with which simplifies the process of interaction between people:
- knowledge of negotiation skills in face-to-face and online meetings;
- knowledge of the rules of communication with both business partners in our country and abroad;
- compliance with the rules when conducting correspondence;
- the ability to control yourself when communicating with different people;
- a number of rules that help you express your thoughts concisely and competently in any form;
- the absence of ignoring the office dress code, which assumes a certain situation.
Internationally accepted etiquette is a special way of communicating between people. Due to the universality of this knowledge, they can be valued above proficiency in foreign languages.
How the rules are set
Despite the importance of regulations, as a rule, they are not regulated at the legislative level. However, the company’s management cannot count on employees to adhere to rules that are not prescribed anywhere when communicating with customers for personal reasons.
If the organization’s activities involve constant interaction with customers and suppliers, then the negotiation protocol should be regulated. In this case, the rules will be established by normative acts signed by the head. For example, using local acts, you can prescribe requirements for compliance with a certain dress code.
Also, the rules of interaction of employees with each other, with customers and clients are prescribed in the internal regulations of the organization. The introduction of the regulations will allow us to determine the requirements for negotiation, compliance with the dress code, communication within the company and with persons from outside. At the same time, it is desirable to approve different types of contacts, which will allow you to have information on how to communicate in order to maintain the recognition of the organization.
When drafting a document, it should be borne in mind that, according to the international principle, attention should be paid to the observance of subordination. This means that the attitude towards the participant involved in the negotiations is formed taking into account the position he holds in the company. At the same time, age and gender do not matter. There are no rules of etiquette that apply only to older people or positions held by women.
What exactly will be prescribed in the regulations depends on the type of activity of the company. In fact, the requirements are mandatory in order for employees to work effectively and perform the functions provided for in the employment contract.
As an example, we can cite the creation of a regulatory act, which prescribes the rules of communication between employees. According to it, there will be interaction between employees of an enterprise of the same division, as well as between persons working in different structures.
Types of business protocol
The choice of regulations that will regulate the actions of employees is determined by the specifics of the company’s activities. What processes are being considered:
- communication procedures within the organization;
- how should interaction with partners and customers take place;
- do I need to prescribe a dress code for formal and informal communication;
- how will correspondence be conducted and negotiations take place over the phone;
- what you need to know about public speaking: how to prepare for them and conduct them;
- business receptions – what you need to know about their organization.
There are a number of rules that are mandatory to comply with, regardless of the type of activity of the company:
- Polite attitude to all persons without exception, with whom you have to come into contact. The approach does not depend on the age, gender and status of the person. It is advisable to be polite even if the position of the interlocutor is incorrect in your opinion.
- The ability to listen to the interlocutor. Communication cannot take place in the form of a monologue. Both sides should be actively involved.
- The protocol for the preparation of negotiations includes an approximate conversation plan. It is important to think about what the greeting will be and how the person will address the interlocutor. In a conversation, the interlocutor must be endeared to himself by paying attention to his person.
- Requirements for the content of the conversation: the logic of what is being stated and brevity. The use of special terminology is justified only if it is understandable to both sides.
- Obligatory thanks in the final part of the conversation.
Using the example of different types of negotiations, let’s consider the specifics of drafting a regulatory document.
Reception protocol
What issues are regulated in this case:
- types of techniques, and what are their differences;
- the main characteristics of meetings, their content and recommended time of holding;
- in what order should employees with different status appear at the reception;
- rules for placing persons at the table according to subordination;
- types of serving, and how the receptions are served;
- etiquette for those who hold a banquet and those who are invited to it;
- the presence of a dress code.
Rules of correspondence and telephone conversations
Communication with both potential customers and customers with whom partnerships have already been established often takes place through business correspondence. It is customary to make a label frame for it. It involves the preparation of a blank in which an appeal to the addressee will be formulated at the beginning of a letter or conversation. In the final part, the formula of politeness should be used.
What options can be used:
- When addressing strangers, you can write / say: Dear colleagues / gentlemen!
- It is possible to address a specific person with a mention of his position: Dear professor / director! Such an appeal is considered official. It is appropriate in any situation.
- Address by surname: Dear Mr. Mikhailov! This form is rare when there is no way to address the addressee in another way. The wording is considered quite harsh, it should be avoided.
- The interlocutor is addressed by his first name and patronymic. This treatment option is considered optimal. Its use will not seem offensive to anyone.
In Russian business practice, it is not allowed to address the interlocutor by name. Addresses like «Your Excellency/Nobility» have long been outdated.
There are different ways to complete a message:
- By writing «respectfully», you will show your attitude towards your opponent. This expression is used regardless of the hierarchy.
- If a person has a higher or equal status, then they can write «Best wishes». A touch of familiarity will be traced provided that it is used by a person whose status is lower than the one he is addressing.
Protocol of business negotiations
The success of business development depends on the quality of negotiations. Their effectiveness is affected by compliance with regulations or an established set of rules. To simplify their memorization, you can prepare an instruction with the basic provisions that must be followed. What questions should be written in the memo:
- rules for the admission of representatives of other organizations;
- how should negotiations be prepared;
- how will the treats be served to the guests and hosts of the meeting;
- the basic rules of etiquette that must be followed.
The party organizing the reception is preparing a program that contains questions about the meeting of representatives and their departure. A responsible person will monitor the implementation of each item. All statuses and ranks must be respected. This concerns the meeting of the delegation, the negotiation process itself, and the departure of the guests. After placing the partners in the rooms, they must be visited by the head of the host party. This is done to ensure that they are satisfied with the reception and to clarify the program of events.
An assistant manager can meet the arriving delegation. The guests are escorted to the hall where negotiations will be held. The head of the delegation should be invited to take the place of honor. However, the head should not give his place even to the most respected guest. He takes it first.
Places of honor are usually located at the ends of the meeting tables. Choosing a round table creates a more relaxed atmosphere. Bright sunlight should not fall on the side of the table where the guests are sitting. To avoid awkward situations with too much light, it is better to make sure that the windows are closed with blinds.
When making a plan, you need to pay attention to the seating arrangements of all members of the delegation. In what order should it occur:
- both leaders take places at the head of the table, interpreters can be next to them, the distance of the other members depends on the significance of their status;
- when choosing a long table, the heads of delegations may be opposite each other;
- if several delegations participate in the negotiations, then their heads are seated clockwise in alphabetical order.
The duration of negotiations is usually 2-3 hours. During long meetings, they arrange a coffee break. A short break brings variety to the program.
The protocol of telephone conversations is not conducted in every organization. Managers make sure that employees of their departments follow the rules of etiquette. It is advisable to prepare and provide the management with forms indicating the purpose of the conversation and what answers were received from the interlocutors.